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Michael Todd really dropped the ball when asked about why the shooting in Tulsa occurred. 

Wretched Radio | Air Date: June 09, 2022

Segment 1

Three women stripped and protested for abortion rights at Joel Osteen’s church.

There is a new cereal on the market: Period Crunch. Why? We don’t talk about periods enough.

British healthcare is under fire. Aborted baby parts were found in cupboards at an abortion clinic.

A pregnancy center in Buffalo was firebombed and a group took credit for it.

Segment 2

A recent mass shooting in Tulsa left the town reeling and frightened.

A news station spoke to two local “faith leaders” and asked the question why.

Michael Todd said, “there is no real explanation to why.”

No sin, no depravity, no fall, no mention of the sovereignty of God. No explanation of joy, no mention of Jesus, no mention of repentance, nothing.

There is a real danger in allowing anyone to assume the role of pastor.

Christians have answers to the evil in the world, and this opportunity was wasted.

Segment 3

Are you struggling to let go of things that have happened to you?

We are commanded to forgive. Withholding forgiveness is sin.

It hurts when you are wounded, but you have to decide to forgive the person.

What does God desire for you to do? Forgive others as the Father has forgiven you.

The mercy God has shown us should be readily extended to anyone who has sinned against us.

We should be concerned with the salvation of the person.

How do you get there?

-Make a decision not to dwell on the sin, but dwell on Christ. It may include compiling a list of things to dwell on.

-Make a decision not to gossip, but to speak well of others.

-Make a decision not to continually bring up the offense once forgiven.

-Make a decision not to allow this to ruin the relationship.

Segment 4

Presbyterian Kevin DeYoung is a smart and thoughtful thinker and pastoral writer.

Recently wrote an article reminding us to biblically filter what we’re seeing this month.

Pride month began in 1970, and has become a government supported, month long celebration.

Using pride takes the conversation from morality, to kindness.

The Christian position has been made to seem like we don’t want LGBTQ+ people to be happy.

We need to confront people with their sin and raise the discussion above feelings and into truth.

This argument is a Motte & Bailey. There isn’t a clever way around feelings and that’s true of all sins.

Do we want to feed the flesh for a season, or do we want to be Godly and enjoy Him forever?


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