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It’s Mailbag Friday! Did Paul swear?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: March 22, 2024

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

My pastor has mentioned Philippians 3:8 multiple times in sermons over the last few years, and every time he says that “skubalon” is translated to the swear word that refers to dung. Is that really accurate? I’ve seen articles that are both for and against that translation.

My pastor is about 2 years in, and has declared that Christmas and Easter are now “dedicated to non-believers.” For the last 2 years, He has instituted a full on festival, complete with petting zoo, rides, free food etc… in order to draw unbelievers in to preach the gospel to them. Obviously the preaching of the gospel is the priority, but am I wrong for feeling a bit uncomfortable with the marketing of our church with worldly bait? -Cade

I am a stay-at-home-mom and am typically home when Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons come to my door. Every time we interact, I am left with a mix of excitement and sadness. I feel like I didn’t say all the things that needed to be said. How can I best evangelize to groups who think they know Jesus and admit to being sinners, but are so deceived by their respective organizations? -Kelley

Segment 2

I live in Canada where the idea of “medical assistance in dying” is quickly becoming normalized. How should we respond to a medically assisted death in the family? Should we attend the funeral or not? -Myah

I am currently active duty and I’ve been in service for over 7 years. Throughout my time in the military, it has been a very spiritually dark and sinful place. Over the years, I’ve been able to ‘give a defense for the hope that is within me,’ and earned respect from the unsaved for not capitulating. But my heart aches from the constant dishonoring of God and blasphemy. I don’t shrink back from a fight or a hard conversation about the things of God, but since I’ve had to harden towards it to survive, I fear that I’m dishonoring Him by not getting hurt enough to ask them to stop. How do I stand strong in a culture where there is so much blatant dishonoring toward God? -Zach

Segment 3

Is it wrong to check my spouse’s phone without their permission or them knowing? I know there should be a certain amount of accountability, but I feel guilty after looking at his phone and end up apologizing to him. My husband is very trustworthy and has never done anything to make me question his faithfulness. -Alexandra

How can Protestants celebrate Holy Week? -Anonymous

Around certain holidays, like Easter, some churches in our area come together and have community services. This bothers me because they are of different denominations and smacks of ecumenism. I can see how they could all come together to serve, but a worship service? Not so much. How do you view such services? -Beth

Segment 4

From a biblical perspective, how do you know if she is “the one” to marry? -Gabe

I’m a pastor’s wife, and recently we had a sixteen year old girl come to my husband desiring to be baptized, because she hadn’t taken that step of obedience following her salvation. She attends our church faithfully, however her parents are divorced and there was disagreement from her mother who believes she was baptized as an infant. There are now problems with her mother, who claims her daughter dishonored her. Did we do the right thing by encouraging her to go ahead rather than wait until she was out from under her mother’s authority? -Debbie


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