It’s Mailbag Friday! Should American Christians be prominently and publicly affiliated with any one political party, or should we remain as objectively biblical voters that reject committing to a party’s platform?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 11, 2023
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
Should American Christians be prominently and publicly affiliated with any one political party, or should we remain as objectively biblical voters that reject committing to a party’s platform? -Anonymous
I am 25, I’ve only dated two Christian guys in my life and broke things off because I didn’t think we were going in the same direction, and we didn’t have the same desire to know God better. My question is, should I compromise, on wanting someone who wants to go out, witnessing at college campuses, going to abortion clinics to convince women out of an abortion, donating to charities we both like and doing a Bible study together? -Mabel
Segment 2
Should Christians prioritize finding employment aligned with their faith or stay as salt and light in the workplace, trusting God to provide for their families? – Kristina
How can I distinguish between primary and secondary theological issues? While certain doctrines like the Trinity and salvation by faith are clearly primary, I struggle to determine the status of topics like women pastors, divorce, church government, and millennial views. Any guidance on discerning the significance of these issues would be appreciated. – Andrew
Segment 3
How can our daughter navigate a situation where her boyfriend has become disrespectful and rude towards us after she decided to slow down their relationship, while she still loves him and wants to honor us as her parents? – Shannon
If God is 3 persons and 1 being, can I pray to any of the three? Can I thank Jesus Christ for saving me or do I thank God the Father for sending His only Son? Do I ask the Holy Spirit to work within someone’s heart or do I ask God to send His Holy Spirit down? -Jason
Is once saved always saved Biblical, or can we backslide and be re-saved? -Paige
Segment 4
Beep Talk
When would you say evil entered the universe?
In regard to Christian Nationalism, if the government isn’t led by God and the Bible, how then should they lead?
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