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The British are losing it! The British are losing it! -Saul Revere (Paul Revere’s brother)

Wretched Radio | Air Date: March 09, 2023

Segment 1

What in the world is going on in Great Britain?

A law passed preventing people from praying, even silently, outside of abortion mills.

A detransitioner in Ontario is suing doctors for “allowing her to self-diagnose and for not asking questions about her mental health”

What does courage look like for you?

Segment 2

There is Christian liberty in the body. We can’t make our thing someone else’s thing.

Arizona Christian University students are not being hired by one school district because they have biblical values on marriage.

California Governor has decided to publicly hate Walgreens because they aren’t selling the abortion pill in 21 states.

Fear mongering and intolerance is the major characteristics of the progressive world.

Segment 3

The world is literally losing its mind, we have to be careful not to lose ours with it.

Did you her about the couple who determined their child was transgender before she could even speak?

U.S. Powerlifting must allow men to compete in women’s division.

In Minnesota a legislator has admitted to “being sick of white Christians” because they are adopting Native American babies.

U.S. marriage rate has declined 60% since the 70s.

Segment 4

Why are our children afraid to get married?

A recent Reddit post reveled the major theme of why young men aren’t even dating.

Most psychologists are identifying the introduction of social media as a major factor.


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