What are ways that Christians can speak to the world?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: October 24, 2022
Segment 1
Bart Barber, the new SBC President was recently on 60 Minutes.
In the beginning of the interview he commented on how Christians are engaging on social issues.
What are some ways we can speak?
1. You could be silent
2. You could noisy
3. You could be passive
4. You could be urgent
5. You can be patient
6. You can be aggressive
7. You can be empathetic
8. You could be loving
9. You could be condemning
Speak matter of factly and speak dispassionately
Segment 2
A NC volleyball team features a boy dressed as a girl who has hurt a girl on another team.
Girls should be competing against girls.
Matt Walsh recently held a rally at the State Capital in Nashville. “The Rally to End Child Mutilation”
Group says they can help children of the LGBT community be rehoused with gay parents.
Segment 3
Bart Barber made a recent appearance on 60 Minutes.
There are new bubble zones in the UK that prevent pro-lifers from praying outside abortion clinics.
Stacy Abrams recently said more abortions is what will help reduce inflation.
Bart Barber also addressed the SBC’s sexual abuse allegations.
The discussion then turned to politics and Trump.
Segment 4
Let’s continue examining Bart Barber’s 60 Minutes interview.
He speaking matter of factly and his tone remains loving.
He is asked about Christian Nationalism.
A Maryland representative released a statement in support of pornographic books in school libraries.
The Pentagon will pay for service members to travel for abortions.
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