“Speak softly and carry a big stick…”
Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 21, 2023
Segment 1
Alpharetta Bible Church had its first Bible study.
Is the story of David and Goliath really about facing your giants?
Using grammatical, historical hermeneutics is how we should examine the Bible.
Are you noticing how articles are being written these days?
The Bible’s thesis statement is Genesis 3:15.
Segment 2
Which story is the kookiest?
Segment 3
Paul Washer on Joel Osteen.
Which story is the kookiest? Continued.
Segment 4
Let’s travel back about 100 years.
Chesterton saw post-modernism coming.
Teddy Roosevelt could’ve contributed to the authentic self mindset in America.
Teddy Roosevelt capitalized and encouraged further growth on self-service society.
How does rugged, American individualism compare with biblical concepts?
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