Bill Maher has a doppleganger. An individual named Kat Rosenfield who wrote an article titled, “The Progressive Puritans Will Fail.”
Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 22, 2022
Segment 1
What does spiritual abuse sound like?
A “pastor” from Missouri berates his congregation for not buying him a fancy watch.
A plurality of elder is step one in helping to avoid this type of abuse from happening.
Four Biblical Reasons for a Plurality of Elders
1. It provides the church with greater accountability.
2. Provides the church for greater chance of success.
3. Provides the church with greater preservation of the truth.
4. Provide the flock with greater pastoral care.
Segment 2
Bill Maher has a doppleganger. An individual named Kat Rosenfield is a Maher-like liberal.
She’s written an article – “The Progressive Puritans Will Fail”
In every realm of your life if your thinking doesn’t line up with God’s things don’t work out as well as they would.
The median net worth of married couples is nearly 9x more than those of who co-habitat.
Rosenfield – “Fun is inherently counter-cultural”
Segment 3
Guess what the young people desire? Authenticity.
The world is normal to unbelievers.
The Christian’s perspective is different. We live in an abnormal world.
Remember when your children behave sinfully, that’s normal.
An instinctive reaction in church is to present things more youthful to reach younger generations.
Young people want:
1. Bible teaching.
2. Practical life help courses – proper life application.
3. Authentic community.
Segment 4
Church News.
A California church was fined 200K for defying covid restrictions. The fine was terminated.
What churches are growing? Non-denominational, Biblical and solid churches are growing.
Assembly of God denomination is ordaining a record number of women.
70% of evangelicals say they support women pastors.
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