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The Southern Baptist Convention just wrapped up and the biggest issue that was discussed was the role of women.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: June 16, 2022

Segment 1

The biggest issue at the SBC? The Role of women

Rick Warren claims the ordination of women is a “secondary issue”

Paul specifically doesn’t let a woman be a pastor in 1 Timothy 2.

What else are they compromising on?

Segment 2

There is a distinction between a preacher and a teacher, but both still exercise authority.

Yes, teaching is a spiritual gift that both men and women can have, but the office of preaching is still reserved for men.

The Episcopalians main arguments were appeals to society, logic, and reason NOT the Bible.

Segment 3

Beth Moore: I surrendered to a calling of God not a calling of Man.

God called me to do this and gave me this gift…how can you prevent me from using them?

Anna, Miriam, Hulda, Deborah, Junia, Phoebe, Phillip’s 4 daughters were PROPHETS not preachers.

The Clear Scripture interprets the Unclear Scripture.

Segment 4

The SBC whispered about CRT. It was not denounced or even really discussed.

The SBC DID, however, decide to denounce the prosperity gospel, about 30 years too late.

Alan Nelson IV: the sacredness of the pulpit must be upheld.

Apparently, plagiarizing sermons was “too limiting” to be discussed and Alan’s list was not permitted to be discussed on the floor.

Darrell Harrison says you’ll never win the CRT debate. Elevate the conversation into the realm of the Bible.


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