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Prostitution is a rewarding job? Ballet is racist? Today, we hop in a time machine and find out how the world got here.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 21, 2022
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Segment 1

Let’s go back in time shall we? We’ll start in Great Britain.

Malcom Muggeridge was a brilliant fellow, and his musings on the culture were poignant.

  • “Has Western man decided to abolish himself, creating his own boredom?”
  • “Man, labored with all, scape and syringe to make himself fewer.”
  • “Having educated himself into imbecility”
  • “Polluted and drugged himself into stupidity”

Headline – “British school kids are told prostitution can be a rewarding job.”

A dance school in Leeds has dropped ballet from auditions for school entry, because it’s “white and elitist”

Segment 2

What Malcom Muggeridge identified as imbecility, we are seeing today.

In Great Britain, a dance school said ballet is racist, while another school teaches prostitution can be rewarding.

Worldly philosophies are like an Uber ride. They didn’t just pop out of nowhere, they’ve been traveling through history.

Carl Trueman’s book “Strange New World” gives us insight.

French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau influenced romanticism through Europe. His ideologies led to postmodernism and the autonomous self.

Segment 3

Going back in time to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the French philosopher says it is society that corrupts the individual.

Why are we now teaching children to “be their authentic self” rather than ABCs?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

  • “Man is born free, but everywhere is in chains.”
  • “Meditating upon the natural wonders of the world reconnects people to nature.”

This flies in the face of what the Bible teaches and give permission to behave rottenly.

Segment 4

You Be the Judge: Which story is the most imbecilic?

#1. Church of England is having a hard time defining the word “woman”

#2. Will Thomas has been nominated as Woman of the Year

#3. Army mandatory training involves inter-gender showering.

#4. The Pentagon is recruiting illegal immigrants.

#5. A Calvary Stampede Drag brunch.


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