Parents, do you know what your children are being taught in school? Because it’s not just math, history, and science anymore.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 18, 2022
Segment 1
Not a big fan of parental pontificators who tell you how to raise and educate your children?
Can a pastor or teacher ever offer parenting advice?
There are different dynamics in each family and blanket statements should be avoided.
From an article – “What’s going on at my child’s school? Why has the trans population of children gone from .01% pre pandemic to 25% now”
From City Journal – San Diego Unified School District has adopted the principles of academic Q**** theory.
“The system of hetero-normatively is oppressive and forces conformity.”
These things are being taught to our kids.
Segment 2
Why do our kids adopt values so distant from biblical Christianity?
The San Diego School District has adopted a program you need to know about.
These are things that should never be taught to children. However, They are not only being taught these things, but it’s being hidden from parents.
Parents, find out what your kids are being taught in school.
Segment 3
Laura Ingram asked why so few people are working these days.
Her answers were obviously very political and connected to the government, but the loss of the Protestant work ethic is the major reason.
Is there a path forward?
So many are made to sit through DEI training and told if they’re white, they’re terrible.
What about pronouns? Do we use them or not us them?
What does it look like today to stand and speak?
Segment 4
Joe Rogan is an extremely popular podcaster.
Joe is not a Christian and has been very outspoken about this.
He was recently visited by Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon and talked about abortion.
Seth Dillion – “I don’t think murder is the answer to rape.” “Abortion is health care the way rape is lovemaking.”
We have an opportunity and obligation to not be as silent as we have been.
If we’re going to encourage people to speak up and people lose their jobs, what is the church going to do?
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