It’s Mailbag Friday! What are rules of engagement in the area of discernment?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: May 26, 2023
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
Need your help with this. My church will be hosting a preacher I’m not a big fan of for “revival” soon. I’m on the worship team, but I don’t want to be there! I was considering going on “vacation” that week to avoid this event. Am I in sin here? -Chris
Should women teach deep theology to other women? I’ve heard it suggested there’s a deeper theology that should only be taught by elders. -Rana
As I graduate from my youth group, I’m worried about transitioning to the young adult ministry that meet less frequent. Will I be fed less? Is it up to me now to feed myself? What can I do to match what I’m losing? What do I replace this with? -Maddison
What are the indications of a true believer vs. a professing unbeliever, especially in cases where a person appears to believe, feel, say, and do all the right things? -Hannah
I’ve been using sinful entertainment as a distraction lately, and I am struggling to stop. I watch it and I feel nothing and it is almost as though I really am dead to it, yet it is hard to stop. I think I struggle with assurance, but I’m not sure if that’s really the root of this issue or not. -Aliyah
Segment 2
I feel called to go into discernment ministry, but how do I engage with false teaching tactfully? -Travis
Segment 3
What are rules of engagement in the area of discernment?
Segment 4
Am I not a christian because I don’t have sorrow over sin? I repent of sin and I desire to rid myself of it, but I don’t feel sadness over it. -Abram
Dear Husband of Mrs. Friel – If marriage reflects God’s love for the church, what sets one’s future spouse apart from others? Essentially, what makes us choose one person over another in terms of romantic love? -Jacob
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