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CRT is alive and well. A church in Illinois is fasting from “whiteness”.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: April 07, 2022

Segment 1

CRT is alive and well in Illinois.

A church in Illinois is fasting from “whiteness”

They will not use music or liturgy composed by white people.

How do we talk with people about racism?

Darrell Harrison says you don’t.

Lift the conversation out of the sociological and into the Biblical.

Thabitti Nyambuya has announced he is leaving evangelicalism. Why? CRT.

Segment 2

Would you like a steaming bowl of salty tears?

Breaking Bread is a new show that features Todd and Christian pastors (Steve Lawson, Phil Johnson, Justin Peters, etc.) having a meal and discussion.

Tim Challies, who lost his son last year unexpectedly, will be the next guest.

He has written a new book that will be released this Fall.

What helps with tragedy? Understanding the Doctrine of Sovereignty. Understanding the character and nature of God.

God is good. God is sovereign. God is in complete control of everything.

A Christian Father’s Let Will & Testament

Pray for the salvation of your children. Pray for their sanctification. Pray they will endure.

Segment 3

Here’s something really juicy we’re not going to talk about.

As Christians, we do not participate in gossip.

Is there ever a good time to discuss accusations? Maybe.

You and I are commanded to not besmirch the name or reputation of anyone without knowing the facts.

For example, X is under investigation by the TBI, according to a report. What do we do with that?

57% of Americans “somewhat agree” that pastors are trustworthy.

The way pastors have presented themselves for decades could be partly responsible for why so many have trust issues with pastors.

Where are the Men of God?

How effective is Pastor Hipster in tragic moments? Why do prosperity preachers wear glasses?

Segment 4

Let’s talk politics.

In North Carolina, the Lieutenant Governor is under fire for having an abortion before he and his wife were Christians.

Let’s hear from Mark Robinson.

Jesus is an amazingly, powerful Savior. Pastor – make sure your congregation knows this.

This issue transcends politics. We have to filter everything through a biblical lens, not a political lens.

From Daily Wire – The President invokes the name of God to explain why parents should embrace trans identity

What does the President need? He needs the Gospel… and a heart transplant.

Genesis 1:26-27 “He created them male and female.” It’s ironic he left that part of the verse out of his speech.


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