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It’s a mailbag episode! “How do I encourage my husband who is a discouraged pastor?”

Wretched Radio | Air Date: November 28, 2023

Segment 1

I need some advice on how to best encourage my husband, who is a (bi-vocational) discouraged pastor, besides praying continually for him. He is a church planter, and is a faithful expositor of the Word, but recently had some leave the church because he wasn’t preaching on issues of the day. -Anonymous

Segment 2

Help! I just found out I’m having a baby girl! How do I raise a girl with gentleness and strength? I feel like I have only been ready to have boys. -Walker

What are your thoughts regarding Christians who write fantasy stories and want to honor God with their work? How should we portray things like magic and characters committing sin? -Ren

Segment 3

Mr. Friel, if you had to choose a church to be a member at (assuming both are doctrinally sound), which would it be? Church #1 has a phenomenal pastor who preaches spot on every week, but the church body does little together apart from Sunday services. Church #2, on the other hand, has a mediocre pastor, yet the church body is incredible, actively working in each other’s lives and serving the Lord together. Given these two choices, which church would you choose for membership, and why? -Sam

I’ve been looking into the origins of chiropractic care and found that its founder, D.D. Palmer, was a spiritist who claimed to have received chiropractic knowledge from a deceased physician. Palmer’s approach to chiropractic was closer to a religious belief than medical practice. I’m curious about your opinion on its use and compatibility with Christian beliefs. -Luke

Segment 4

I feel like patience is one of the characteristics God has been working in my heart the past few years, and through a lot of waiting, even though I’m only 18, I’ve grown in patience, but I wouldn’t say I enjoy being patient. Even though I trust God and His timing, I don’t have a high regard of patience. How would you suggest I can learn to enjoy patience when more often than not, I am more indifferent to it? -John

What in the world is the Message Bible and why shouldn’t I use it. -Eric

So, as we are about to head into the Christmas season, what are your thoughts on un-married people doing mistletoe? -Sterling

Can a biblical church have a woman as a Children’s Ministry Director? -Anonymous


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