Chuck Swindoll brought the heat.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 31, 2023
Segment 1
Chuck Swindoll preached a sermon about gossiping, murmuring, and grumbling.
At the 36 minute mark, he got angry.
Are you a perpetual gossip or slanderer?
Segment 2
Are we committing the sin the Bible so often identifies as slander?
Is there ever a time and place for sharing details?
Gossip corrupts. It’s like consuming battery acid.
The Bible has so much to say about grumbling and gossiping and slander.
Segment 3
Does talking about God’s love give you hives?
Dr. Heath Lambert’s “The Great Love of God”
Why did God create the world?
This book from Dr. Lambert will challenge you and possibly make you uncomfortable.
Segment 4
We have to be careful when exploring one single attribute of God.
Do you have a heavy burden? Could it be because you struggle with the love of God?
God’s love will change you. God delights in you. He is well pleased with you.
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