Mailbag! I am Gen Z and working a 9-5 job fills me with dread. What do I do?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: June 01, 2023
Mailbag! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
I am Gen Z and working a 9-5 job fills me with dread. What do I do? -Jacob
Am I over reacting when my pastor says that all guests are friends? -Paul
What’s the difference between mind, soul, and spirit? -Faith
Segment 2
How do I attract people when evangelizing? -Robert
How could Jesus bear the eternal punishment for billions of people in a finite amount of time? -Anonymous
Is there such a thing as work life balance? -Adrian
Segment 3
How can I have a Biblical marriage in this society? -Sheridan
Can you speak about fasting? -Abby
How should a Christian, who is harboring guilt, be encouraged? -Kyla
Segment 4
In response to the previous question about a man fornicating with his girlfriend.
How was the man on the stretcher in Luke 5 able to receive forgiveness?
Can a false teacher sue?
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