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It’s Mailbag Friday! Is birth control okay to use? What about more permanent options after you’ve had children?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: December 22, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

Is there an age when parents should stop spanking their children? -Molly

I have a family member who has hurt me repeatedly over the years and I don’t see any end in sight unless he gets right with God. I avoid him as much as possible. Does this mean I haven’t really forgiven him? -Leigh
I’m a Christian minister and was recently approached by my daughter to perform her wedding. She’s gay, however, and when I explained why I couldn’t perform the ceremony she responded in anger and by “disowning” me. Suggestions? -Bill

Segment 2

Is birth control okay to use? What about more permanent options after you’ve had children? -Kayla

Must we regard the pastor’s wife as the First Lady of the church? -Joe

I was wondering how do I have conversations with random people about the gospel when I struggle with the fear of man? Also, I’m kind of lazy and I don’t know how to stop. What can I do? -Anonymous

Segment 3

Todd you mentioned a few times before that if you’re strapped financially you shouldn’t give. Now I think that is a great idea, but what I’ve heard before is that if you have enough faith then God will provide and you’re supposed to tithe no matter what. Can you give me some clarity on that please?  -Anonymous

There is a 19 year old who has attended my church for a long time but has yet to become a member. Would formal church discipline be applied in this case? -Tom

After a painful breakup with a fellow church member, how can I detach painful memories from this person, whom I see regularly at church? -Anonymous

I am a sixth grade teacher in a public school. Recently, one of the aides who assists in one of my classes asked me for a letter of recommendation for an education program. She does her job well, but is a self-described pagan who acknowledges witchcraft, lunar festivals, and random “gods”. Should I be willing to write a recommendation based on her ability in the classroom, knowing I am exposing potentially thousands of children to her sphere of influence in the years to come? -Tommy

Segment 4

Is it right for a pastor not to have deacons or elders in the church?

Is it wise for a single Christian man or woman to adopt children into their home?

My pastor allowed a transgender in to the church but set guidelines and limits. Was he right to do that?


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