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Mailbag! “Should we be saying Holy Spirit or The Holy Spirit?” “What’s the difference between taking a sleeping pill or taking cannabis for sleep?”

Wretched Radio | Air Date: May 30, 2023

Mailbag! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

Is it a sin to ask for forgiveness daily? -Alan

Should I give feedback to my female friend on her sermon? -Greg

What does it mean to biblically listen to God? -Laura

Is there any significance to the time 10:25 on the Wretched TV studio clock? -Tammy

Segment 2

What is your curriculum recommendation for youth in the church that struggle with special needs including RAD? -Buck

Segment 3

If someone does not believe that Jesus is God, how will that impact their faith? -Ash

In the Bible, the apostles cast lots for who should replace Judas. Should we follow this practice today? -Dan

Should we be saying Holy Spirit or The Holy Spirit? -Joe

What’s the difference between taking a sleeping pill or taking cannabis for sleep? -Christy

In children’s ministry (AWANA), the emphasis on verse memorization can be a bit excessive at times. How important is it that children memorize large sections of scripture? -Jonathan

Segment 4

Should you ever date people you are not considering marrying? -Anonymous

I have a dilemma about my husband’s request to dress provocatively (like a prostitute) at home. -Andrea

Why does it seem like Mormons have better music than Christians? Can we listen to Mormon music? -Amanda


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