Bill Maher recently had some words for his Hollywood compatriots about gun violence.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: June 20, 2022
Segment 1
Did you see the new movie, Lightyear? Tim Allen was replaced.
When asked about the kiss between 2 women, Tim Allen’s replacement, Chris Evans, says those upset are “just idiots” “dinosaurs who needs to be ignored.”
Bill Maher recently had some words for his Hollywood compatriots about gun violence.
“When liberals scream ‘do something’ about gun violence why aren’t we also saying something about the over 200,000 instances of violence children see before they’re 18?”
Data from the US Census Bureau show some 18M+ children grow up without fathers. The US owns the title of leader in fatherlessness.
85% of children and teens with behavioral disorders come from homes without fathers.
Today 81% of people say they believe in God.
Segment 2
Talk about a clarifying moment.
Matt Walsh, a Roman Catholic talk host, made a documentary asking “What is a Woman?”
Tim Challies reviewed the movie and raises questions we should consider.
Did Walsh engage with the best arguments?
Who was Matt Walsh trying the persuade?
How do we deliver truth?
Where do we go from here after we get whipped up?
Our agitation should cause compassion that people are lost and dying and headed for Hell.
Segment 3
Did you see the President tumbling off a bicycle over the weekend?
Here’s Todd’s commentary – What’s a 79 year old man, not as fit as he once was, doing on a bike?
This is the leader of the free world. Why do elderly men refuse to act as elderly men?
As a Christian we should grow old well.
Speaking of the President, he just signed an Executive Order that bans bills against conversion therapy.
This has implications for Christians. If you do anything to persuade someone from a sinful lifestyle it will become a violation of this law.
Gospel sharing will become illegal before we know it.
Segment 4
How are we going to live in a world that’s increasingly darkened? Will Christians speak out?
We’re regressing in time to an era where Christianity was looked down upon.
Christians are increasingly self-censoring, fearing some type of persecution.
NYC spends 200,000+ to bring drag performers to schools.
The White House has announced global racial agenda.
All things are evidently great in America, so taxpayer money should be spent on racism across the globe.
Did you hear about the family-friendly pride event with the satanic temple and un-baptisms?
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