It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Wait no, it’s just Todd.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: June 13, 2023
Segment 1
Being realistic about living in a secular world.
Does a Christian have to forgo commerce with a secular organization?
The Girl Scouts now have a Pride Patch.
Segment 2
Qantas now has a new style and grooming guide.
Pride Flags are being increasingly stolen and burned across the US.
You can become a new gender in 22 minutes.
Matt Walsh’s producer recorded an interview with Plume Health.
Segment 3
Oklahoma has approved the world’s first religious public charter school – it’s Roman Catholic.
In Newcastle – Vicky O. Is the originator of an ongoing, perpetual observance of prayer.
In Missouri – The body of a nun was exhumed. She showed very little signs of decay and droves of people are coming to see this woman.
Segment 4
From Vegas – an alien was spotted after a UFO crash.
The youths have a betting problem.
North Korea sentenced 2 year old to life in prison after family was found with a Bible.
50-70,000 Christians are in prison camps in North Korea.
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