“And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am…” Exodus 3:14
Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 05, 2023
Segment 1
Pure Actuality.
The Forgotten Attributes of God -Peter Sammon
Exodus 3 – I Am Who I Am
The church desperately needs a renewed vision of God.
Segment 2
Joe Rogan seems to be changing.
Hulk Hogan and Oliver Anthony share their “testimonies.”
Remember: Who, Who, What, What, What
Granger Smith was asked his testimony and in two sentences clearly shared it.
Segment 3
The Catholic News Agency reports an ancient relic on tour in the U.S.
Relics like this rob God of the true adoration He deserves.
The Minnesota State Fair is happening right now where clergy is serving meatballs and pickle ice pops.
Segment 4
Keeping yourself in the love of God.
A lot of Christians need clarification in God’s love.
Have a conversation with yourself. Where is your hope?
Struggling with the feeling of desiring to sin?
What does Jesus pray for in John 17?
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