Maybe we should just stick the knock knock jokes.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: April 03, 2023
Segment 1
Babylon Bee put together a satire piece related to the Resurrection.
Imagine you have been summoned by the government, falsely accused, judge recognizes your innocence, but people demand you face judgement. How would you feel?
Segment 2
Christian satire and comedy should have rules.
Does your church have a Maundy Thursday service? Does your church have a Good Friday service?
Segment 3
A preaching dentist in Dallas is throwing out lots of blasphemy.
6M Americans have intrusive thoughts – don’t automatically equate those with blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
American people like Jewish people, Catholics, and Mainline Protestants, but Evangelicals…not so much.
Segment 4
There are times when we shouldn’t discuss church issues. When there are only accusations, we should wait for more information.
What is line on participating in gossip?
Religious leaders are turning to ChatGPT for sermon writing.
A priest claims demons tortured him with a Rihanna song.
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