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It’s Mailbag Friday! How do we go about witnessing an unbeliever who is incredibly hostile without becoming sinfully angry?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: January 20, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

Should a Christian man and woman be best friends? -William

If you had five minutes with Elon Musk, what would you say? -Marc

Is it necessary to be baptized in order to take communion? -Jessica

Does God restrain or withhold His love and kindness toward sinners in hell? -Heather

Segment 2

Should Christians frequent businesses that profit false religions? -Jay

How do I get my in-laws to stop blaspheming around my child? -Anonymous

My mom is planning to move out on her boyfriend with whom she has a child. If she asks me to help her move, am I approving of her sin? -Jalen

How do we go about witnessing an unbeliever who is incredibly hostile without becoming sinfully angry? -Anonymous

Segment 3

Beep Talk

Punctuation matters.

Law and Grace.

What are you thoughts on LSB?

What happened to OT believers prior to Christ’s sacrifice?

Segment 4

Church Signs

A man wrapped up in himself makes for a small package.

Mormon church sign – What does God want for Christmas? Look in the mirror.

The manger was the first king sized bed.

Settle in with Jesus

Church is like Jello… there’s always room for more.

Come here.

Now open between Christmas and Easter.

Jesus turns sunsets into dawns.

Without the Messiah, life’s just a mess.

NRA doesn’t arms, Planned Parenthood does…

Do you believe in Jesus? Even demons believe.

Lost time is never found.

No inflation here, salvation is free.


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