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It’s Mailbag Friday! “My spouse refuses to lose weight.”

Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 21, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

My spouse refuses to lose weight. She’s gained so much in the last 6 months and I’ve tried everything to say to her to have her lose weight. She refuses and I feel our kids will see this and think it’s okay to be morbidity obese. She eats junk food, never works out and watches tv on her phone all night and doesn’t want to read her Bible. I’m thin myself. I don’t find her attractive at all. I’ve asked her daily since January to read the Bible with me but she’d rather watch the Kardashians. She’s a sluggard and killing our marriage. What should I do? -Anonymous

Segment 2

Weight question continued.

Segment 3

When it comes to assurance, the devil can be very convincing in making his lies appear like God’s truth. So, how I distinguish between the lies of the devil and the truth of God when it comes to my salvation? -Douglas

We recently had a guest speaker who used the Passion translation. The content of the message was godly, though, and when I asked my pastor if we should be concerned, he agreed that the TPT was bad and he would not like for anyone to use it. But since no one in our congregation uses it, it’s not an issue worth addressing at the moment. Should I be more concerned or is it prudent to focus on what our local body struggles with now and not what could potentially be in the future? -Dale

– don’t know how normal this is for a believer to experience, but have you ever felt like everything and everyone around you isn’t real? Now and then I’ll go through spells where life feels like a virtual reality and nothing feels concrete or safe. It’s pretty disorienting some days, on others it’s downright scary and gets in the way of my joy. I hope this isn’t too abstract, but if there’s anything in scripture that speaks to this? -Gaby

Segment 4

Beep Talk

Why do people refer to you with so many Misters?

There seems to be an issue with memory recall and digitization.

Could you dive deeper into the gift of grace?


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