Carl Trueman’s a “Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution” gives us an insightful look into why the world has gone absolutely nuts.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 19, 2022
Segment 1
Why is the world nuts?
Carl Trueman’s “Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution.”
How did we get here? We have become a society of self.
Segment 2
What’s your favorite pronoun? Me, myself and I?
The culture of authenticity is one where each of us has our own identity.
This is achieved by outwardly expressing what you feel inwardly.
Is there any reason why we’re seeing such a fragmented nation?
If you question someone today, you’re questioning their social autonomy.
Segment 3
How do we live in the world of the autonomous self?
This ideology is nothing new.
Historically, it was defeated by Christianity, but today it has taken a full return.
Ulrich Zwingky, a key player in the Protestant Reformation, could be considered a Christian Nationalist.
How did reformation take place in Switzerland and how could it take place today?
Segment 4
How do we break through and tear down strongholds?
1. Ulrich Zwingly preached constantly.
If our subject matter is Jesus then we are pointing people to something lofty. Jesus must be woven through the fabric of our entire sermons.
Reformation isn’t overthrowing a government, it is the changing of hearts.
2. Reformation demands patience.
We should learn to lose arguments. Which means refusing engage.
3. Reformation requires friendships.
No man is an island, and no reformer went about it alone.
4. Reformation transforms community.
Reformation isn’t private.
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