It’s Mailbag Friday! “Can I work occasionally on a Sunday?” “What’s the difference between a Baptist, a Southern Baptist, a reformed Baptist and a Presbyterian?”
Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 26, 2022
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
“What are you thoughts on a church where hardly anyone brings a physical bible and the pastor says because they’re so accustomed to phones a bible would be a distraction for them?” -Michelle
“Our church has changed drastically over the years. For example, one of our leaders wants to rewrite the Lord’s Prayer to make it more inclusive. My wife sings in the choir and has been a member for 25 years. Should we go to separate churches?” -Mark
“I work in a field that requires counting education to renew my license every two years. At times some of those opportunities happen to be on the weekend. Should I feel guilty or be made to feel guilty if I choose that and not go to church?” -Joseph
“What’s the difference between a Baptist, a Southern Baptist, a reformed Baptist and a Presbyterian?” -John
Segment 2
“Should Christians say, “I’m proud of you” or be proud of someone?” -Michael
“My church is currently struggling with whether or not we can use preferred pronouns and names without sinning. Currently 75% of our 20+ elders believe we can. They equate this to eating meat sacrificed to idols.” -Jacob
“What are your thoughts on the holistic living fad among Christians? Anti-tax, raw milk, home births, etc.” -Kyle
“I also love my MacArthur Study Bible, as you do too. But, I was wondering your thoughts on some of the others like the Life Application Study Bible?” -Ethan
Segment 3
Beep Talk
“Jesus struggled to make ends meet. Jesus didn’t struggle, maybe Judas because of his greed.”
“Recently you spoke on Harry Potter, but what is your take on Lord of the Rings?”
“Disagree with your take on how God viewed Adam/Eve sin.”
Segment 4
Church Signs
“America needs CPR. Christ, Prayer, Repentance.”
“Come hang out with Jesus, He hung out for you.”
“You have one new friend request. Jesus.”
“God is the potter, not Harry.”
“If you think it’s hot now…”
“The norm of what just is, isn’t always justice.”
“Looking for a sign, here it is.”
“Pokemon and Jesus both found here.”
“Save water, save energy, save lives.”
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