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Dealing With The In-Laws | WRETCHED TV Episode 3392

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

I married a Christian man, but over the last 9 years, I have not seen much fruit in his life. My worst fear is that he is not saved, though he thinks he is. How do I respond to this delicate matter? How do I approach our church leadership without undermining my husband?

I have meditated for a few months now, but just recently thought about the origins of it and its central use in false religions. If I am only using it to clear my head, is that ok? Or should I rely solely on prayer to help me think more clearly?

What are your thoughts on teenagers drawing/doodling during a sermon?

Recently, you said some people might not see good results on this side of Heaven. Can you give an example of how we might see good fruit from bad experiences after death?

My church’s evangelism training doesn’t mention the law, judgment, or Hell. It just presents brokenness as the problem. Should I participate in these kinds of evangelism events, or should I distance myself from a potentially false Gospel?

Should we as Christians mock and demean Satan and his demons, or have respect for them? I know Satan is a defeated enemy, but should we have a laid-back attitude toward him?

For some time now I’ve felt a calling to preach. I have a very sinful past including fornication, which I’ve repented for and I know God has forgiven me. But will He take that opportunity away as a consequence for my actions?

I’m struggling to have a good relationship with my in-laws. They regularly go behind my back to my wife, criticizing me and my decisions. This has created tension between me and my wife. What should I do to honor my in-laws while dealing with this hurtful dynamic?

How did ancient Gentiles in Old Testament times receive salvation before Christ?


Thanks for watching!

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