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Deny Your Faith or Die? | WRETCHED TV Episode 3412

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

During the holidays, a family member who is a yoga instructor may offer a yoga session. What’s a loving way to turn that down? Any advice for navigating conversations around this topic? -Nathan

I came across someone advocating for conservative Christians to join liberal mainline Protestant churches to try to make them more conservative again. Is there any merit to this idea? -Corey

Can Christians seek counsel from secular therapists? Do they have anything helpful to say?

I have a friend who is Christian, but didn’t go to church growing up. He loves God, but struggles to meet other believers. I invite him to Bible study every week, but he usually doesn’t come. What should I do? -Samuel

Should Christians be in support of the building of the 3rd Temple? -Derrick

Is it okay for Christians to use religious greetings and sayings from other faiths? Like saying, “namaste” to a Hindu or “blessed be” to a Wiccan? I want to be respectful of other cultures, but not dishonor God. -Kenny

If someone breaks into my home and demands that I deny Christ or else they will kill my friend, what should I do? I don’t want to deny Christ, but I also don’t want anyone to die because of my choice. -Joe

Can you discuss church constitutions? Elder-led versus congregation-led, and the hybrids in between. What are the pros and cons? -Kyle

It seems I will remain single, due to consistently being rejected. How can I remove my desire for marriage? -Mike


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