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God Might Kill You | WRETCHED TV Episode 3407

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

I’m 25 and dating is a challenge. I want a guy who desires to go witnessing at colleges, to abortion clinics to convince women out of abortions, and to do a Bible study together. Should I compromise? – Mabel

Our daughter’s boyfriend has become disrespectful towards us after she decided to slow down their relationship. She still loves him, but wants to honor us as her parents. Help! -Shannon

We live in the middle of nowhere with a lot of small churches that are very shallow in teaching and doctrine. What are your thoughts on us traveling 35 miles to be a part of sound, Bible-teaching church? -Cole

Should I feel bad when I do something and I know I didn’t do it to the best of my potential? I don’t know if we can “disappoint” God, but that’s what it feels like. -Sybil

Does counseling equal pastoring? I have considered becoming a Biblical counselor, but I wonder about marriage counseling and if that gets into the gray area of pastoring? -Debbie

I’ve been wrestling with temptation, thinking, “God will forgive me, so I’ll sin now and ask forgiveness later.” I know it’s wrong, but how do I stop? -Hopeless Wretch

When witnessing, why do people talk about Jesus’ death on the cross, but rarely talk about the resurrection? I feel like that’s a major Gospel error. -Trenton

My church is struggling. There is no growth, our pastor seems disengaged, and there is little investment in the youth ministries. How should we navigate this situation? -Karina

I believe that God is sovereign over all things, but how do you deal with people who bring up passages like 1 Samuel where it says God regretted making Saul king?


Thanks for watching!

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