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Reframing Mental Health | Wretched TV Episode 2869

Sometimes our feet tend to slip, and the world weighs down on our tired souls. All to often it seems that evil people prosper, while our world seems to crumble around us. Asaph, in Psalm 73 used to think the same thing until he went to the temple, and his entire perspective was changed.

People often tend to look at which external problems are causing the issues in their lives, but the Bible, and Asaph, say to look internally instead. We sometimes think our only option is to either fix our problems ourselves, or resort to more humanistic coping mechanisms to feel better. We gravitate to worldly fixes when we should be moving towards Biblical solutions. Dale Johnson, at the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Conference, warns that we should stop associating people with worldly a diagnosis by looking with our natural eyes, when the Bible gives us very specific terms of diagnosis.

If you are in HIM, you are HIS

Dale Johnson makes it clear that our past experiences do not define our present, you, or your depression. The Bible is like a big eraser. When you are in Christ, it says that you are who God says you are! Not what the world says you are. God says if you are in Him, you are His.

John 16:33 explains that we can only find peace from our current tribulations in Jesus. We can now understand that the external issues we face in our lives are not abnormalities that we cause, but are result of sin entering our fallen world. So with that we take heart, because just as Jesus has overcome the world, so will we.


More resources

  • The presentation that you’re seeing from Dale Johnson is just one of the many lectures in Drive by Biblical Counseling 3, short lectures you can listen on your way to work every single day that will immerse you in the world of biblical counseling.
  • This booklet is going to help you pray better: Face to Face is praying the scriptures, speaking God’s words back to him, it will focus you, it will give your prayers structure, and it will help you to pray longer and better.

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