It’s Mailbag Friday! Where do you stand on friendship evangelism vs. street preaching? Is it sin to have a painting of Jesus in your home? Can Christians have doomsday-prepping like tendencies?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 08, 2022
It’s Mailbag Friday! You got questions. We got answers.
Have a question, comment, conundrum, snark or idea? Send them to [email protected]
Segment 1
“How do I balance being broken over sin with the power and grace of the cross?” – Jake
“What is church really supposed to be?” -Mara
“Is it necessary to confess of every lie you tell, even small ones?” -Lily
Segment 2
“How should I think about parental authority?” -Brenden
“When is the appropriate time to remove a child from the home?” -Fred
“Is it sin to have a painting of Jesus in your home?” -Susan
“How do you balance family life and church life?” -Ethan
Segment 3
“Is there a difference between confidence and boastfulness?” -JJ
“Can Christians have doomsday-prepping like tendencies?” -Lucas
“Where do you stand on friendship evangelism vs. overt street preaching?” -Peter
Segment 4
“What to do in a situation where your relationship with your parents has been ruined when evangelizing them?” -Michael
“How do you un-sow bad seeds?” -Nathan
“Is it selfish to have kids in our depraved and sinful world?” -Noah
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