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It appears Creflo Dollar has repented over previous teaching on tithing. But, did he?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 11, 2022

Segment 1

It appears Creflo Dollar has repented over previous teaching on tithing. But, did he?

He explains that his previous teaching weren’t biblical.

But, while this is a recanting it doesn’t appear to be repentance.

Creflo has been teaching and talking about this for more than 90 days now.

He continues to live lavishly and remain in the ministry.

Paul unpacks 7 sign of genuine repentance.

Segment 2

Creflo Dollar lives in a $2.4M home and has a personal net worth of upwards of $30M.

Paul lays out 7 signs of genuine repented in 2 Corinthians 7.

1. Diligence produced in you. It’s the Initial reaction to eagerly pursue righteousness.

2. Clearing of yourself. Desire to clear one’s name of the stigma that accompanies sin.

3. Indignation – which leads to anger over one’s sin.

3. Fear. A reverence toward God.

4. Vehement desire to restore relationships with those against one has sinned.

He has been teaching this new way since 2020, and he has not given back anything he’s stolen.

He shows zero marks of genuine, biblical repentance.

Segment 3

Jordan Peterson, whose claim to fame was bucking the Canadian government, has recently begun making claims about Christianity.

We want to think long and hard about endorsing Jordan Peterson.

Recently there was an interview with Jordan and Dave Rubin (a conservative, married to a man) released.

In the interview Peterson affirms gay marriage.

Jordan Peterson needs to hear the full gospel of Jesus Christ.

Did you see the new movie Thor? Thor is a really woke demigod in a movie that intentionally mocks Christianity.

Have you been following monkey pox? Have you seen how the condition is transmitted?

What are you going to do when the Republican Party affirms gay marriage.

Segment 4

Worldviews have consequences. What is the worldview or cult that is informing Western civilization?

Things in Australia appear to mirror the US.

The Ark isn’t a cute story but rather a story of the judgement of God and death.

Cannabis. How’s that working out for you?

It doesn’t seem to be working out at all. In California it has become a public nightmare.

Problems like depressive breakdowns, suicidal thoughts all related to cannabis.

How does our current culture view anthropology?

Rates of addiction are 40% higher in states where marijuana is legal.

A new condition called scromiting has rose out of extended marijuana use.


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