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A Utah teacher has built her classroom for non white students. Texas schools hang “In Good We Trust” signs. What is going on??

Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 25, 2022

Segment 1

9 tips to help you not to become a heretic. Courtesy of Cripplegate and Nancy Guthrie.

  • Biblical Theology makes bible study Christ centered instead of me centered.
  • Biblical theology teaches the larger story of the Bible instead of smaller vignettes.
  • Biblical theology helps makes sense of the whole bible instead of the part we happen to like.
  • Biblical theology helps us to understand challenging stories.
  • Biblical theology leads us to study what we need to know most instead of what we want to know most.
  • If we focus on biblical theology it pushes us forward to the consummation of all things.
  • Biblical theology helps us make sense of suffering.
  • Biblical theology equips us to communicate the gospel.
  • Biblical theology stirs up affection for Christ.

Segment 2

Life lessons from Little House on the Prairie.

Seminaries started by godly men with a Christian purpose do not look the same today.

Marxism is what is being downloaded to the kids today.

Liberals recognized if they invaded schools they could begin to control the kids and over time take over culture.

Upwards of 2M students have fled public schools since 2020.

Headline – A girl who identifies as a cat is allowed by her school to be non-verbal and act as a cat, as long as she’s not a distraction.

Email from Ron – Maybe we can use the Motte & Bailey when it comes to bodily mutilation.

Headline – Florida school refuses to change long held policy regarding sexuality and is receiving death threats.

Segment 3

Allowing kids to live in a delusion is tragic and dangerous.

Why is this trend happening?

There are some institutions we can look at to determine if we’re failing our children. First, the home. Second, the church.

From Utah – A teacher has built her classroom for non white students.

Wisconsin school board votes to ban political messages/flags in classrooms. Pride, Christian, BLM, etc. This involves all messages, no matter what it is.

From Louden County, VA a father was tackled and dragged out of a school board meeting.

Texas schools hang “In Good We Trust” signs.

Segment 4

There has always been much debate on the length of a sermon. How do we determine the appropriate length?

5 Reasons Why Sermons Shouldn’t Be Too Short.

  • Your sermon shouldn’t be too shot because Sunday will likely be the only bible your people get that week.
  • Your sermon shouldn’t be too short because the Bible his worthy of our attention.
  • Your sermon shouldn’t be too short because hearing from God through a sinful man should be the most prominent time in the gathering.
  • Your sermon shouldn’t be too short because the Church should subvert not support the convenience culture.
  • Your sermon shouldn’t be too short because they don’t do justice to the Biblical text.

5 Reasons Why Sermons Shouldn’t Be Too Long.

  • Overly long sermons often dilute the substance of the text.
  • There is such a thing as fatiguing people’s ability to receive information.
  • The aim of a sermon is worship, not exhaustive knowledge.
  • It is better to leave people wanting more rather than wishing for less.
  • You’re probably not that good of a preacher.


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