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The world has gone too green.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 27, 2022

Segment 1

From California – California to allow human composting of dead loved ones by the year 2027.

Gavin Newsome said this is environmentally friendly.

Is it a sin to be cremated?

This is the green movement. It’s secular humanism.

The pandemic didn’t bring a baby boom. 2020’s fertility rate was one off the lowest ever recorded.

The Senate is delaying the vote on same sex marriage until after midterms.

51% of republicans support same sex marriage.

Segment 2

How are we going to respond when we’re asked to affirm things we don’t agree with.

From an unnamed laboratory – Scientists create matter from nothing in groundbreaking experiment.

If you’re under the age of 65 you have to have an anxiety screening.

A prison in Green Bay has exempted a Muslim from being strip searched.

France is debating “conservative euthanasia laws.”

Segment 3

Millions of people are talking SRI’s for anxiety.

A recent study determined there is no convincing evidence that depression is caused by serotonin deficiency.

From Ed Welch – Does this new research mean depression is only a spiritual matter?

There are physical issues that can contribute to depression.

You think Q’Anon is whacky? Listen to Stacy Abrahm’s latest claim on fetal heartbeats.

Segment 4

A new video game allows you to play Jesus.

Jesus was perfected from suffering, and we do too.

We have a sympathetic High Priest.

Most evangelicals (54%) think worshipping is a valid replacement from regular church attendance.

48% of evangelicals claim to have been canceled by others.

Majority of pastors don’t believe Christians should tithe 10%.


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