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It’s Mailbag Friday! Is it possible to be loving with unsaved family members?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: January 13, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

What should I be saying to my children instead of “good luck?” -David

Is it Biblical to pray out loud before a meal in public? -Jessica

A Christian never retires from ministry or serving but is there a certain age or even limitation to when a Christian retires? -Ryan

Where should Christians draw the line between too much involvement in the church and rest on Sundays? -Julie

Segment 2

Did Jesus eat meat? -Jesus

What would you say to someone who claims they haven’t sinned in three years? -Jolei

Do we go to heaven after we die or do we just sleep six feet under? -Florian

Segment 3

Beep Talk

What are some ways to put childish ways to death?

If you see a cop while driving, do you let your foot off the gas?

Would Paul being all things to all people be the equivalent of being behind enemy lines?

I have a sister living in sin… She has heard the gospel many times and her actions are tearing the family apart. Is it time to say goodbye?

Segment 4

Church Signs

I call my horse mayo and sometimes mayo nays…

Possibility > Status Quo

Don’t put other people down.. unless it’s on your prayer list.

God welcomes even the biggest turkeys.

Sin bad. Jesus good. More Info inside.

A perfect union? A union in Christ.

Wakanda person are you?

The church doesn’t exist for us, we exist for the world.

Not once did God say, “worry about it”.


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