I mean we have to assume they can even understand and speak English. We also have to assume they have the capabilities to communicate. What if they don’t have mouths or something? We haven’t even considered if they have good intentions. Like what if they just wanted to come here and steal all the batteries from our tv remotes?? So, many variables to think about. Wait, what was the question?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: May 11, 2023
Segment 1
Imagine intelligent life visiting our planet and staying at a hotel where they discover a Bible in their nightstand.
What would someone foreign to the New Testament have to say about the relationship between church and state?
From G3 Ministries – Christian Faithfulness
Segment 2
What does the New Testament teach about the relationship between church and state?
What are the lines of jurisdictional realms?
If we’re going to call this a Christian nation with Christian laws, that’s not far from banning all other religious voices.
A christian nation would create a litany of nominal Christians.
Our primary concern is the souls of men.
Segment 3
From the American Reformer – Contextualization is a trojan horse in evangelicalism.
When we try to make Christianity look worldly, it becomes worldly.
Segment 4
Are you not all things to all people so you might win some?
What was Paul suggesting? Did he mean to drop Christian language?
Contextualization is a trojan horse – American Reformer.
The priority of pulpit ministry is feeding the sheep.
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