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Can Christians Be Soldiers? | WRETCHED TV Episode 3402

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

My church is solid theologically, but sometimes our pastor preaches on tithing 10% so God can bless the other 90%. He says this opens our household to the Lord’s protection over relationships and possessions. This feels prosperity-oriented. Thoughts?

Is it sinful to be addicted to something like coffee or water?

I found Christ after enlisting in the military, now I’m wrestling with the morality of taking life and all the evils that come with warfare. Is war sinful?

Thoughts on being re-baptized?

In your opinion, does the local church have the authority to tell me to marry a specific person?

What are your thoughts on presuppositional apologetics?

A work acquaintance of mine is going through a rough time (her husband is dying of cancer). She is hurt, frustrated, sad, and angry. I want to offer the Gospel to her, but she’s never in a talking mood. What do you suggest I do?

Will we retain our gender in Heaven? Since there is no need to procreate once there, why have male and female?

Thoughts on the phrase “read the newspaper in one hand and your Bible in the other”?

Is there a specific daily prayer I should be saying?


Thanks for watching!

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