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It’s Mailbag Friday! When will Alpharetta Bible Church have its pipe organ installed?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: February 09, 2024

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

When will Alpharetta Bible Church have its pipe organ installed? -Noah

Is it biblical to sing a worship song written by a woman in a worship service? Would it be the same as letting a woman preach during a worship service? -Kyle

I have been asked to say a few words and read scripture at funeral. The deceased was not a believer and I’m struggling on what to say. Any suggestions? -Shane

When visiting temples and shrines in East Asia, where should a Christian draw the line in participating in rituals, like bowing or “purifying” hands to avoid idol worship, but also not be rude? -Nate

As a senior considering whether to pursue a career as a pilot through technical school or follow an interest in Biblical studies, how does one discern their calling, especially towards ministry? -Braden

Segment 2

Is forcing my kids to attend church causing them to resent it, even though they’ve professed Christ and been baptized? -Christian

Segment 3

How can I provide biblical support and comfort to fire department colleagues and others affected by the tragic death of a child, especially when they don’t have a faith background? -Kyle

My church shifting from Church Membership to Church Partnership.. is this a common trend, and what are the potential consequences of such a change? -Todd

Segment 4

What would be considered the dominant heresies or false teachings threatening Christianity today, similar to how gnosticism was addressed in 1st and 2nd John? -Jessi

I’m a high school senior girl and plan to enter a Christian college in the fall. I will be in a dorm with a close friend and she has discussed her excitement for making new friends. I feel like maybe our friendship could be put on the back burner. Maybe not, but also I’m not someone who specifically wants a large group of friends. I’m definitely not anti-social and I like meeting fellow believers, but I would love to have an inner circle of Christians I could grow and open up with. Do you have any advice on how I could make those kinds of strong, godly relationships? -Anonymous

How do we deal with family members who we rarely see and who have a vague sense of being Christians but are clearly unconverted? You can’t just give them the gospel, since they think they are Christians. I attempted to use God’s law in a recent encounter, avoiding treating them as unconverted, but it felt like a no-win scenario. What should I do? -Anonymous


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