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It’s Mailbag Friday! My husband and I have been told we cannot have children. How do I guard against coveting when I see several of my coworkers being blessed with children?”

Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 02, 2022

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

“I’m 27, never married. Cannot find a godly woman. Who is a fault?” -James

“My husband and I have been told we cannot have children. How do I guard against coveting when I see several of my coworkers being blessed with children?” -Anonymous

“My wife and I are expecting out third child. We often get asked when we are going to done having children. When should we stop?” -Devon

Segment 2

“Right now in school we are reading “Catcher in the Rye” which unfortunately has a lot of blasphemous words. Should I continue to read it? It seems unavoidable and I’d rather obey authority. Any thoughts?” -Hope

“Is Christmas a pagan holiday?” -Nathan

“I’m taking a sociology class and the classic trolley dilemma has come up. Would it be just to sacrifice one innocent person to save five or vice versa?” -Cole

Segment 3

Beep Talk

“Husband and I considering leaving our church and the advice we’re getting is to stick out the pastor. I don’t know what to do with that.”

“Listening to older episode on increased suicide rates during Covid.”

“How do I help my 9-year-old balance law and grace?”

Segment 4

Church Signs

“Won’t need in heaven: Doc, Lock, Clock or Glock.”

“If God were as faithful as you, would you be worried?”

“If you don’t have the Bread of Life, you’re toast.”

“His mercies are new everyday.”

“In 2022, God in you.”

“Jesus trusted women.”

“Jesus said, I’ll be back way before Arnold.”

“Noah was a brave man to live on a boat with two termites.”

“We aren’t Dairy Queen but we have great Sundays.”

“Prayer is a weapon that should never be concealed.”


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