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Christians who cling to scripture are considered bullies???

Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 01, 2022

Segment 1

Rhett McLaughlin of Rhett and Link has recently released a song to speak about his new unbelief in Jesus.

“Deconstructing your faith” is a trend.

What do we do with people like Rhett?

Segment 2

Who exactly is the bully here?

From Lifeway – Research shows a majority of churches are okay with a female as a pastor.

Christians who cling to scripture are considered bullies.

Valley Christian Academy in Santa Maria is being sued for refusing to play a game against a team with a female wide receiver.

Segment 3

Former Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo’s response to Covid lockdown issues.

We are seeing the fruits of the grand lockdown is an increased rate of suicide.

Gen Z speak out on reluctance to be parents.

“It isn’t responsible to bring a child into THIS world.”

The US birth rate dropped 4% in 2020.

Do you feel like you need to “live a little” before you have children?

As a Christian, how do we battle sin? How do battle temptation?

Segment 4

Steven Crowder wrote a mock paper about being “Fatphobic.”

Others have also submitted nonsense papers and they were accepted by “scientific journal.”

We have a tendency to view history through the lens of our contemporary ideologies.

Christianity Today published an article that says Christians must use preferred pronouns, someone can be “transgender” and a Christian.


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