Student loans have been forgiven. Is it fair? Is it Biblical?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 29, 2022
Segment 1
Todd went to the Fedex Cup over the weekend. There was lots of discussion over the disparity the pay between 1st and 2nd place.
Student loans have been forgiven.
What is the problem with student loan forgiveness?
What’s next from the government?
What principle to we use to say the government pays for K-12 and not post graduate schooling? We stop at 12th grade. Why?
Segment 2
The student loan fairness forgiveness program is far from fair.
Don’t feel pressured into sending your children through the University system. Don’t feel like your children will be worse off for not attending public school.
You do have to work hard in the social interaction side if you decide to homeschool your children.
Don’t think tech schools are second class in our culture.
How do the questions students are asking in youth ministry different today than they were 10 years ago?
What things are constant?
- Desire for biblical truth.
- Desire for authentic community.
- Search for identity and purpose.
Segment 3
The numbers are shocking regarding the number of young people who have been and are being abused.
They feel they are to blame. That they are somehow responsible.
Parents pushing their children through body mutilation practices are abusing their children.
Children, victims of this type of abuse or any other, need not blame themselves.
- How do we help children who have experienced trauma?
- Providing them with safety and reassuring them they are safe is priority.
- Helping the feel connected and loved.
- Let them know what happened is no their fault.
- Pray with children.
- Respond calmly when they are upset.
Segment 4
Golf is still a gentleman’s game.
But, Todd noticed people do use filthy words.
If you’re a Christian and have a potty mouth you need to get that cleaned up.
1 Cor. 9:22 “All things to all men.”
From Reformation Scotland – Paul, with this verse, is speaking about his personal conduct.
What is the context of 1 Cor. 8-10? It’s liberty. Paul is actually speaking about edification.
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