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It’s Mailbag Friday! Is is bad for a Christian women do want to do yoga?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: May 29, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

Can we have true reconciliation with someone if they refuse to acknowledge their sin and repent of it? -Jordan

We spent time at the public school I work praying for the victims in Uvalde and my principle used the verse “where two or more are gathered” If someone uses that verse in a context like this, is it necessarily wrong? -Adrian

Any wisdom for an 18 year old seeking to remain Godly as he pursues dating in a Godless society. -Alex

Segment 2

Is a woman leading a mixed sex Bible study a violation of 1 Timothy 2? -Daniel

Would it be a sin not to speak up regarding sinful LGBTQ conversations to keep my job? -Chad

How do I deal with my pastor who has recommended an R-rated movie to the congregation? -Hector

Both adults and children continue to throw food away by not eating all the food they’re taking our church dinners. -Phillip

Segment 3

As a believer, how can we correctly interpret the concept of God being immutable, but have a verse like Genesis 6:6? -David

Is is bad for a Christian women do want to do yoga? -Anonymous

God is always first , but who do I honor first mother and father or grandmother and grandfather? -Jay

Does God work salvation instantaneously into our hearts or is it a process? -Joshua

My wife says she loves the Lord, but has more of a universalist idea of heaven. What should I do? -Anonymous

Segment 4

Beep Talk

Church Sign – Godly mothers are just angels in sweatshirts

Church Sign – Stop, Drop, and Roll won’t work in Hell

Big Rig Sign – Brush up on your bible, it prevents truth decay

What does it mean to be regenerated?

Is buying insurance against God’s will?


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