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15 seconds

Wretched Radio | Air Date: March 07, 2022
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Segment 1

Let the politics begin.

We should always watch news and view politics with our Bibles open.

We should not read the book of Revelation with social media in our hand.

Case in point – Ben Shapiro, a brilliant political news source, but not a believer in Christ.

Does this mean Shapiro must be shunned? No, but we should be aware that what Ben Shapiro reports will not be from a Christian perspective.

Ed Litton is stepping down as SBC President in June.

Who will be the next SBC leader?

Segment 2

Current President Ed Litton announced he will be resigning in June.

Speculation of the next president has already begun.

A pastor in Florida and even Voddie Baucham have been mentioned.

Is that a possibility? Todd’s prediction – it probably won’t happen.

Voddie is not traditional SBC.

Why? Because he is very firm on CRT, roles of women in the Church, etc. He is also not a member of an SBC church in Africa.

Who will the next president of the SBC?

Segment 3
What’s the most important thing about doing talk radio? Timing.

We were born to worship.. how would you put together a biblical explanation?

When confronted with sin, what do we typically do? Change the subject.

Where is the correct place to worship?

When we gather together for worship on Sunday – we are doing a powerful thing.

Segment 4

When you meet on Sunday at church with other believers, it is the most beautiful place on Earth.

Another church convention is taking place soon. A group of conservative Methodists are looking to break away.

It is hard to believe John Wesley would affirm the role of women as pastors.

A large congregation in Alabama became the latest to break away from the Methodist denomination.


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