Celebrity pundit Tucker Carlson recently spoke at the Center for Christian Virtue. Let’s hear from his speech.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: October 3, 2023
Segment 1
Celebrity pundit Tucker Carlson recently spoke at the Center for Christian Virtue.
Is he trying to figure things out on a higher level? It seems he’s reading the Bible more.
Let’s hear from his speech.
Segment 2
More from Tucker Carlson at the Center for Christian Virtue.
Segment 3
What’s our subject matter today?
A new Sony released film “Journey to Bethlehem”
Why does this bug Todd so much?
There’s another movie coming out that will undoubtedly confuse a lot of Christians – “After Death”
Did this people really have out of body experiences?
Segment 4
“After Death” from Angel Studios.
There’s an itching for these stories and movies because there’s a sufficiency issue.
The Bible doesn’t seem to be enough.
Disney also has a new movie – “Wish”.
“A place where your hearts desire becomes a reality.”
What’s the message behind the Disney movie?
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