It’s Mailbag Friday! “I’m a current bible student, but how can I dive into Scripture without having an academic mindset?” “The Bible doesn’t seem to be written with clarity. Why?”
Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 01, 2022
Segment 1
It’s Mailbag Friday! If you have any questions , comment, conundrums, comments, or snarks send them to [email protected].
“I’m a current bible student, but how can I dive into Scripture without having an academic mindset?” -Hope
“Do you ever come into contact with any of the people you witness to on Wednesdays again?” -Evah
“Plan to propose girlfriend soon and we both still attend churches we grew up in. When or how do we compromise to be able to worship together on Sundays?” -Kam
“How public should a baptism be to be faithful to scripture?” -Noah
“Why do you think the Bible doesn’t give us specific details on how to dress modestly?” -Leigh
Segment 2
“How do I go about witnessing to a person who has had the gospel explained to them many times but still lives in unrepentant sin?” -Anonymous
“Is it sin to watch movies or tv shows that depict witches in a positive way?” – Matthew
“How can I encourage and help a fellow believer who struggles with OCD?” -Anonymous
“Does handing out gospel tracts count as evangelizing and can a Christian spend the rest of their lives handing out tracts without verbally proclaiming the Gospel?” -Alexander
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Segment 3
“What are your thoughts on pastors taking time off or sabbaticals?” -Brad
“What is your view on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?” -RJ
“God welcomes singing in worship, but does He welcome instruments?” -Kyle
Segment 4
Beep Talk
“Is there a reason you don’t get into apologetics as much as the Law on WW?”
“The Bible doesn’t seem to be written with clarity. Why?”
“Would it be accurate to say God is the ultimate cause of evil, but man is responsible for performing the evil?”
“King Saul called Samuel from the grave, does this mean ghosts are real?”
“Nick is offended. He wears Birkenstocks and drives a Subaru.”
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