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When Spouses Disagree Theologically | WRETCHED TV Episode 3277

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

I have unbelieving friends whose marriage is failing, should I be encouraging them to remain married? -Anonymous

Is it appropriate for Christian men and women to use worldly language when referring to their spouse or partner? – Jeff

How can you explain to someone Jesus was born God and did not just become God, like Mormons believe? – Laura

Why is God so mysterious? It causes a lot of unnecessary stress. -Anonymous

How do I address theological differences with my wife, in a loving manner that upholds unity in our marriage and respects our shared faith? -Clive

Where or what is the balance between thankfulness for everything God has done through grace and mercy AND self-deprecating, beating myself up, feeling like I don’t deserve anything nice? -Andrew

How can I open up about my struggles at home with my family to close friends? I live in a home with a lot of yelling and gossip, and I also don’t want to cross the line into gossiping or slandering my family members? -Anonymous

Who decides what’s a big or little sin? -Sy

I am in college and will be staying with three other Christian guys next semester and was wondering what are some good rules or things to set in place that could help us pursue righteousness? -Josiah

How do I get my in-laws to stop blaspheming around my child? -Anonymous

I am a new Christian and have engaged in theological discussions with a coworker. He claims that the doctrine of Trinity is a pagan belief, citing Acts and the emphasis on baptizing in the name of Jesus. I’m unsure and if this belief is widespread or not, but I do wonder if there can still be unity with those who reject the doctrine of the Trinity? -Sabrina

Do you see anything wrong with cremation from a Christian/Biblical perspective? -Anonymous


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