Understanding the culture where Jesus lived will give us a better understanding of our Savior.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: October 03, 2022
Segment 1
If we go back and look, we can appreciate when our Savior lived.
“The World Jesus Knew” by Anne Punton
The more you can get your first century knowledge colored, the more the Bible will come alive for you.
When you hear the John the Baptist was eating locusts and honey what comes to mind?
Segment 2
Locust and honey. Is that was John the Baptist really consumed?
The greatest prophet of all time never ate an old country buffet.
Same for Jesus.
Segment 3
We may be able to learn a lesson or two from the silence of Jesus.
We see Jesus not talking about a lot of stuff.
We don’t have a lot in the Bible where Jesus spoke about politics.
How much Did Jesus speak about the disparity between the rich and the poor? Some.
But how much can we find in Scripture about social justice? Nothing.
Greetings and farewells in the first century were prolonged.
Understand the culture where Jesus lived will give us a better understanding of our Savior.
Segment 4
Let’s continue exploring the context of the time in which Jesus lived.
Jesus wasn’t ignorant of thew ways of the world.
A Jewish father would teach his son as soon as the child could speak.
It was unlawful for Jewish families to live in an area with no school.
Jesus was educated.
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